This paper focuses on “play-biting” as a touch communication method used by robots. We investigated an appropriate play-biting behavior and its effect on interaction. The touching action has positive effects in human-robot interactions. However, as biting is a defenseless act, it may cause a negative effect as well. Therefore, we first examine biting manner and the appearance of the robot using a virtual play-biting system in Experiment 1. Next, based on the result of experiment, the play-biting system is implemented in a stuffed animal robot. We verified the impressions created by the robot and its effect on mitigating stress in Experiment 2. Consequently, the play-biting communication gave positive and lively impression, and effect of reducing the physiological index of stress, in comparison to only touching the robot.
Nakagawa, K., Matsumura, R., & Shiomi, M. (2020). Effect of robot’s play-biting in non-verbal communication. Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, 32(1), 86–96.
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