Now days, the usage of electrical appliances both in houses/offices becomes more inevitable one.Thus the usage of these electrical appliances leads to have unnecessary power consumption also. Hence in order to avoid this unnecessary power consumption, this work proposes a Smart Power Management System (SPMS). The system is designed using a wireless network topology. Thus the wireless network performs IoT process. It sends an energy consumption of the device to the webpage and it can be read using an id allotted to that device device. As a result of this, a consumer can easily manage their powerby knowing their time-time energy consumption and is carried out with the help Arduino controller. From the results, it is observed that the proposed design saves up to10% of energy.
Sheeba Rani, S., Ramya, K. C., Gomathy, V., Radhakrishnan, G., & Prabhu, S. R. B. (2019). Design of IoT based real time energy metering system. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(6), 416–418.
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