Exhaustion of natural resources and global warming have witnessed significant changes in the different organization produce and deliver their product and services., Now a day’s green supply chain practices has gained attention of organizations in many countries. Implementation of GSCM practices in manufacturing firms and measuring the impact of theses practices on corporate performance are still in a embryonic stage. Number of issues identified i.e. “Eco-design”, “Green purchasing”, “Environmental Cooperation” and “Reverse Logistics” on different element of corporate performance. The different outcomes are environmental, operational economic and social. The objective is to explore the green supply chain practices and their relationship to corporate environmental performance in manufacturing firms. Multiple regression analysis has been used to study the impact of Eco-Design, Environmental Cooperation and Reverse logistics on corporate environmental performance in manufacturing firms. A number of recommendations are also provided for firms interested in improving their environmental performance through implementation of GSCM practices.
Sahoo, D. S., Dash, M., Mohanty, A. K., Das, J. R., & Sahoo, A. (2019). Regression analysis of GSCM implementation on corporate environmental performance in manufacturing firms. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(1), 2338–2341.
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