Agribusiness is the most important process in our Nation. But nowadays, because of movement of individuals from provincial to urban there is prevention in agriculture. So to conquer this issue we go for shrewd horticulture procedures utilizing IoT. This undertaking incorporates different highlights like GPS based remote controlled checking, dampness and temperature detecting, gatecrashers startling, security, leaf wetness and legitimate water system offices. To ensure the safety of their financial transactions new crypto graphical algorithms was introduced already. We are making one such website and app for placing online auctions and providing an audience to them. The app has been designed using RESTful-API to sync its database with the website. And to encrypt the transactions we will be using SHA-256, a one way crypto-hash function, which only encrypts the data and doesn't decrypt it, making it a secure Hash Algorithm.
Amudha, S., Nandwani, J., Agarwal, A., Singh, N., & Parihar, B. (2019). Eauction web & app synced smart agriculture using IoT. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(2 Special Issue 4), 209–212.
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