The SIPS-model, introduced to emphasize social aspects of online collaborative learning (OCL) expresses the degree to which online environments for collaborative learning support social aspects through social affordances by the sociability attribute. However, OCL-environments are primarily meant to support collaborative learning. Hence, SIPS was extended by adding an educability attribute to express the degree to which these environments have educational affordances for collaborative learning (CL). In this paper, we propose a second extension, adding hedonicity to express the extent to which OCL-environments give pleasure and enjoyment during the interacting with them. By adding hedonicity, we stress that learning should not only be effective and efficient but also enjoyable. That aspect, though missing in SIPS, is an important element in learning. To reduce complexity of the SIPS-model caused by the two extensions, SIPS is split into three distinct sub-models: the PIP-, SIP-, and HES-model. By characterizing OCL-environments by the attributes hedonicity, educability, and sociability, we can more accurately evaluate the impact of OCL-environments on social presence, participation, social interaction, and social space which are needed for socio-cognitive (where group learning/knowledge construction takes place) and socio-emotional processes (where group forming/dynamics takes place) in groups. The TEL-community should take up the non-trivial task of designing OLC-environments that possess hedonicity, educability, and sociability through their respective affordances.
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Kreijns, K., & Kirschner, P. A. (2018). Extending the SIPS-Model: A Research Framework for Online Collaborative Learning. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) (Vol. 11082 LNCS, pp. 277–290). Springer Verlag.