Automated Normalized Solution for Finding Duplicate Records from Multiple Data Sources

  • et al.
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Information merging may be a testing issue clinched alongside information reconciliation. The convenience of information builds when it is joined Also combined for other information from various (Web) wellsprings. The guarantee from claiming enormous information hinges upon tending to a few enormous information coordination challenges, for example, such that record linkage toward scale, ongoing information fusion, What's more coordinating profound Web. In spite of significantly fill in need been directed with respect to these problems, there may be constrained worth of effort on making An uniform, standard record from an assembly for records relating of the similar genuine world substance. Author allude with this errand as document standardization. Such a record illustration, ‘coined normalized record, may be essential for both front end and back end provisions’. In this paper, author formalize those record standardization problem, available in-depth dissection from claiming standardization granularity levels Also for standardization types. We recommend a thorough structure to registering the normalized record. Those suggested schema incorporates a suit of shield from claiming record standardization methods, from credulous ones, which utilize best the data assembled starting with records themselves, to complex strategies, which comprehensively mine an assembly about copy records when selecting a quality for a trait of a normalized record.

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Abinaya*, P., Jayavadivel, Dr. R., & Rohini, Dr. R. (2020). Automated Normalized Solution for Finding Duplicate Records from Multiple Data Sources. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 9(1), 834–837.

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Professor / Associate Prof. 1


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Engineering 1


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