The domestic and industrial demand for electricity has been increasing extensively making the power system more expensive. With this increases in demand for electricity, the losses also increase in demand for electricity the losses also increase from power generation to distribution Flexible alternating currents transmission system (FACTS) is used to maintain flexible operation of the power system from power generation level to the distribution level. The reliability of the network system can be enhanced by using FACTs devices in the power system more reliably, the inventions in the advanced power electronics devices can be implemented in the design of FACTs, serices, shunt, serices-shunt and shunt-shunt are some of the FACTs devices. One way to operate the power system with less power losses and improved system voltage profile is to use FACTs. Unified power flow controller (UPFC) is one of the serices-shunt FACTs systems. This paper throws light on how UPFC can be used to improve the voltage profile and reduce the installation cost of UPFC, the system loss, in the electrical power system. Analyst and soft computing methods such as Genetic Algorithm (GA), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and Weight Enhanced Particle Swarm Optimization (WIPSO) are used to determine ideal FACTs device settings and FACTs device place.
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Kuthadi, K. K., Sridhar, N. D., & Ravi Kumar, C. H. (2019). WIPSO, PSO and GA techniques to locate UPFC effectively in power system to improve voltage stability and reduce losses. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(2), 2000–2006.