Sexual Aspects of Fertility Disturbances

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This chapter concentrates on fertility and subfertility and their various sexual implications. On the one hand, there are sexual dysfunctions that impair conceiving. On the other hand, the message to be infertile or subfertile is usually a severe blow to a person’s or a couple’s identity, quickly impacting sexual desire and sexual pleasure. In middle- and high-income countries, most couples will continue towards medically assisted forms of reproduction. Those phases of examinations and treatments tend to have extensive short-term and long-term sexual consequences. This chapter will elaborate on those elements inherent to medically assisted forms of reproduction that negatively influence sexuality, such as loss of privacy, demolished intimacy, painful vaginal examinations, and hormonal disturbances. The chapter will also indicate ways to diminish negative impacts on sexual satisfaction and pleasure. Maintaining sexual satisfaction and pleasure during such treatments will keep couples less stressed, positively influencing their conception chances. Besides, less stress will keep the woman more relaxed when undergoing pregnancy checks and during childbirth. In the long term, the amount of stress experienced during ART treatment will influence the couple’s sexual life in the subsequent phases of pregnancy and young parenthood. The information in this chapter is relevant for the midwives and HCPs involved in such fertility treatment processes and for other HPCs to better understand the long-term effects of fertility treatment on the couple’s sexuality. This chapter is part of ‘Midwifery and Sexuality’, a Springer Nature open-access textbook for midwives and related healthcare professionals.




Gianotten, W. L. (2023). Sexual Aspects of Fertility Disturbances. In Midwifery and Sexuality (pp. 131–140). Springer International Publishing.

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