Slums are a problem faced by almost all major cities in Indonesia and even large cities in other developing countries. The study of slum settlements (slum) generally covers three aspects, first the physical condition, the other socio-economic conditions of the community living in the agreement, and the three impacts by the two states. These physical conditions, among others, can be seen from the very stable state of the building with low-quality construction, non-patterned, and non-hardened road network, public sanitation, and non-functioning drainage, and waste that has not been adequately managed. (1) (2) The study aimed to form a collaboration model for Healthy Cities through a Program of No Slum Cities in the Coastal Area of Makassar City. Method This study uses a quantitative descriptive research method as an approach to Secondary Data Analysis (ADS). ADS is a method using secondary data as the primary data source. Utilizing the secondary data in question is to use a statistical test technique that is appropriate for obtaining the desired information from a mature body of material derived from certain agencies or institutions (such as PUPR, departments, or educational institutions) to be systematically and objectively processed. Observations found that the tendency towards collaboration with various sectors to reduce the number of slums in settlements. As for the indicators used, there are 7 + 1 from the City program without slums. The conclusions of the study were to reduce the number of slums in Makassar, especially in the coastal areas of Makassar City with an approach, namely by improving housing, environmental roads, drainage, garbage, fire fighting, and green open space by involving various sectors.
Ahmad, H., Indar, Palutturi, S., Suriah, & Yani, A. (2019). Health city collaboration model through the program no gross city (Kotaku) in coastal areas Makassar city, Indonesia. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 9(1), 1789–1791.
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