The revelation of translucent solid a few years back opened another skyline in the field of structural building. Numerous scientists chipping away at it so as to pick up the same number of uses from this imaginative innovation so as to use as vitality sparing building material that grants transmission of light into indoor condition and this solid go about as an engineering reason for good aesthetical perspective of the building. Translucent concrete is, acquired by inserting optical strands in it. This solid has light-trans missive properties because of these inserted light optical components. Light is led through the concrete from one end to the next. Contingent upon the fiber structure, these outcomes into a specific light pattern on the other surface. These strands transmit light so viably that there is supplant traditional concrete by this new and testing material. This is a creative building envelope chiefly utilized for sunlight porousness for the misty parts of outside veneers and rooftops. This solid for all intents and purposes there is no loss of light led through the filaments. Not just there is the great quality and light entry by utilizing optical filaments yet since the optical strands have less density than that of concrete thus by utilizing optical strands in concrete we get light weight concrete with adequate different properties and valuable number of uses.
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Shahmir, N. G., & Tantray, M. A. (2019). A promising light weight future material – Translucent concrete. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 7(5), 372–374.