A circumscribed research of load balancing techniques in cloud computing

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Cloud Computing (CC) is a very big field in the computer industry. It has systems that are connected through communication networks such as Internet. The LBA is an important cloud computing area to prevent overloaded workload and provide the same and valuable service. The various algorithms are used to solve the load balancing complexity. In this paper, we explain various standard load balancing techniques in different algorithms and challenges in assigning tasks to Cloud Computing. The load balancing algorithm can be used to better utilize and better understand user needs.




Samunnisa, K., Sunil Vijaya Kumar, G., & Madhavi, K. (2019). A circumscribed research of load balancing techniques in cloud computing. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(6 Special Issue 4), 336–339. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijitee.F1068.0486S419

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