Online marketing is bitten by bit getting to be prominent in creating nations like India. The online advertising has developed as another goal which pulls in a great many customers consistently. “Impulse buy” or “impulse buying depict any buy which a consumer makes, however, has not arranged ahead of time (Baumeister, 2002; Stern, 1962). The components that influence the consumer online buying have been uncovered through quantitative research by breaking down information gathered through an internet-based poll overview. This comprised of 90 consumers who were buying online. This examination additionally talks about the administrative issues, recommendations and suggestions for the future analysts. The understanding of buying behaviour of online customers as far as their impulsive conduct would be useful for the advertisers and academicians. The main aim of this paper is to take a gander at the components which striving for online shopping and to build up a comprehension of the variables affecting the online shopping by the consumers.
Kathiravan, C., Mahalakshmi, P., & Palanisamy, V. (2019). Online impulse buying behavior of consumer triggered by digital marketing. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(2 Special Issue 6), 648–653.
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