A Local Level-Set Concept for Front Tracking on Arbitrary Grids

  • Völker F
  • Vilsmeier R
  • Hänel D
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This paper proposes a general multi-dimensional front tracking concept for arbitrary physical problems. The tracking method is based on the level-set approach with a restricted dynamic definition range in the vicinity of the fronts. Special attention is drawn to the problem of the classical level-set method, i.e. accuracy issues and topological restrictions. In this concern, a less sensitive time integration is introduced and the problem of interacting discontinuities is addressed. The concept is integrated in the basic modular Finite-Volume solution package MOUSE [1] for systems of conservation laws on arbitrary grids.




Völker, F., Vilsmeier, R., & Hänel, D. (2003). A Local Level-Set Concept for Front Tracking on Arbitrary Grids. In Hyperbolic Problems: Theory, Numerics, Applications (pp. 909–918). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-55711-8_86

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