Emotion recognition is alluring considerable interest among the researchers. Emotions are discovered by facial, speech, gesture, posture and physiological signals. Physiological signals are a plausible mechanism to recognize emotion using human-computer interaction. The objective of this paper is to put forth the recognition of emotions using physiological signals. Various emotion elicitation protocols, feature extraction techniques, classification methods that aim at recognizing emotions from physiological signals are discussed here. Wrist Pulse Signal is also discussed to fill the lacunae of the other physiological signal for emotion detection. Working on basic as well as non-basic human emotion and human-computer interface will make the system robust.
Kumar, A., Garg, N., & Kaur, G. (2019). An emotion recognition based on physiological signals. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(9 Special Issue), 335–341. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijitee.I1054.0789S19
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