A FACTS (Flexible AC Transmission) controlled device, STATCOM is the best solution for power compensation in the area of microgrid system. It regulates the reactive power by injecting the reactive current in to the ac/dc hybrid microgrid terminals. The STATCOM is applicable for shunt compensation which has a great role in dynamic performance by controlling its reactive power. The proposed work demonstrated about the enhancement of voltage sag during fault condition. It can improve the wind turbine performance. The main objective for the STATCOM application in windfarm is to improve the system voltage by supplying or absorbing the reactive power into hybrid ac /dc microgrid system. During steady state operation, the fundamental component of the VSC (Voltage source converter) voltage in phase with system voltage, which shows uncontrol action on active power flow. If there is change between these two voltages (lead or lag), then STATCOM can generates (or absorbs) reactive power. This phase shift leads to flow of active power which is responsible for increase or decreases of capacitor voltage. Assumption has been taken by considering the fixed speed of wind turbine. The performance of windfarm with and without STATCOM is examined and analyzed under fault condition by using MATLAB Simulink 2016.
Nanda*, B., Jena, Dr. R. K., & Muni, Dr. B. P. (2020). Power Quality Enhancement in Windfarm by using STATCOM. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 8(5), 596–601. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijrte.e5044.018520
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