ECG signal Analysis and Classification Techniques

  • et al.
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Electrocardiogram is the measure of heart electrical activity. Our heart generate electrical signals which we used to calculate heart activity .The electrical signals of heart are transformed into waveforms which are used to measure various heart conditions. We have various techniques which we used to analyze and classified the ECG signals in MATLAB. There are many types of heart Arrhythmia like Tachycardia in which heart rate is too fast, Bradycardia in which heart rate is too slow, Atrial Fibrillation, Atrial Flutter, Ventricular Fibrillation,Permature contractions these all conditions can easily classified in Matlab by using some proper approach. We have techniques like Wavelet transform, Graphical user interface using wavelet transform toolbox, Support vector machine, Convolutional neural network, Discrete cosine transform. To improve the order execution, molecule swarm improvement method is utilized for progressively tuning the learning parameters of the SVM classifier. This paper gives brief survey on different techniques for analysis and classification of ECG signals. Wavelet Transform gives more accuracy and precise result. And we analyze MATLAB software is a best approach for analysis and classification of ECG signals.




Punia, S., Atal, D. K., & Singh, S. (2020). ECG signal Analysis and Classification Techniques. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 9(4), 1388–1394.

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