The relationship between the size of an egg and its energy content was analyzed using published data for 47 species of echinoderms. Scaling relationships were evaluated for all species, as well as for subsets of the species, based on mode of development. Regressions were calculated using linear, power function, full allometric, and second-order polynomial models. The full allometric model is preferred because it is relatively simple and the most general. Among these species of echinoderms, larger eggs contain more energy. Egg energy content scales isometrically across a wide range of egg sizes both among and within different modes of development. The only exception is among species with feeding larval development, where there does not seem to be a clear scaling relationship. In most cases, the regressions were statistically significant and explained a very large proportion of the variance in energy content. However, there were wide confidence intervals around the estimated regression parameters. In all cases, the predictive power of the regression was poor, requiring large differences in egg size to yield significantly different predictions of energy content. Consequently, egg size is of limited value for the quantitative prediction of egg energy content and should be used with caution in life-history studies.
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McEdward, L. R., & Morgan, K. H. (2001). Interspecific relationships between egg size and the level of parental investment per offspring in echinoderms. Biological Bulletin, 200(1), 33–50.