Fourier-Transform Raman Spectroscopy of Kaolinite

  • Frost R
  • Tran T
  • Le T
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The vibrational modes of clay minerals are uniquely accessible to FT Raman spectroscopy. Raman spectra in the 50-3800 cm-1 region were obtained for a suite of kaolinite clay minerals. The kaolinite clay minerals are characterized by intense bands centered at 142.7 cm-1 with a prominent shoulder at 127 cm-1 and are attributed to the O-Al-O and O-Si-O sym. bends. Differences in the lattice modes for the kaolinite clay minerals in the 200-1200 cm-1 region were obtained. Five hydroxyl bands were obtained for kaolinite at 3619, 3650, 3667, 3686, and 3695 cm-1; four OH bands were found for dickites at 3621, 3639, 3652 and 3703 cm-1. [on SciFinder(R)]




Frost, R. L., Tran, T. H., & Le, T. (1997). Fourier-Transform Raman Spectroscopy of Kaolinite. In Progress in Fourier Transform Spectroscopy (pp. 747–749). Springer Vienna.

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