Utility-aware enhanced reliable opportunistic routing protocol for mobile adhoc networks

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Usually, the nodes in Mobile Adhoc Networks (MANET) are bounded with the limited power resources to interact with each other nodes without any backbone infrastructures. As a result, an allocation of unbalanced traffic among nodes may increase the power dissipation in the overloaded nodes and path failures that degrade the network lifetime. To tackle this problem, an on-demand Power and Load-Aware (PLA) multipath node-disjoint source routing scheme was proposed based on the Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) protocol that uses a new cost function to determine the multiple node-disjoint power and select the load-aware optimal paths to their destinations. However, this protocol was affected by control overhead and the reliable packet delivery was also not effective. Hence in this article, Power and Load-aware i.e., Utility-Aware Reliable Opportunistic Routing (UAROR) protocol is proposed to enhance the efficiency and reliability of the routing protocol. In this protocol, topology control and link lifetime prediction algorithms are integrated into the PLA algorithm to predict the effect of the node mobility on routing performance. The link prediction algorithm considers both mobility speed and direction for improving the accuracy. As well, an opportunistic topology control algorithm uses packet delivery ratio to maintain the node’s stability. Moreover, Utility-Aware Enhanced ROR (UAEROR) protocol is proposed to improve the node’s stability and reduce the control overhead by employing the neighbor detection algorithm that uses degree and reachability of nodes. Finally, the simulation results show that the effectiveness of the proposed protocol compared to the existing protocol in terms of throughput, end-to-end delay, packet delivery ratio, network lifetime, energy consumption and control overhead.

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Sridevi, U., & Kamaraj, K. (2019). Utility-aware enhanced reliable opportunistic routing protocol for mobile adhoc networks. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(2), 4187–4194. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijrte.B3322.078219

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Professor / Associate Prof. 1


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Computer Science 1


Engineering 1


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