The implementation of UAS is bringing easiness and time saving activities into the currently construction site task. In the construction industry, diverse and relevant benefits of the technology have been identified through the project life cycle, such as monitoring project progress report, faster and low-cost land measurements and 3D modelling. Currently, the most valuable benefits of the UAS in the construction industry are related to automation the construction process, low cost, greater speed and safer real-time data collection compare with the traditional methods, and a reliable replacement over satellites and manned vehicles in terms of high-resolution images. However, there is a lack of exemplification and clarity of the actual implementation of the UAS in the construction industry in terms of adoption process and impacted usage. Therefore, a systematic literature review was carried out in order to explore the literature available of the topic related to implementation of unmanned aerial system in the construction industry, the most relevant tasks, cases, areas of usage and the reasons of applying it. The finding of this paper is providing exemplification models of current usage such as visualisation and disaster management, evolution map of the UAS according to the publication numbers and construction project stages when to use the UAS.
Vanderhorst, H. R., Suresh, S., & Suresh, R. (2019). Systematic literature research of the current implementation of unmanned aerial system (Uas) in the construction industry. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(11 Special Issue), 416–428.
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