Analysis of apron pavement thickness in central airport based on the amount and type of aircraft

ISSN: 22783075
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Sentani Airport is one of the airports that became a liaison between districts in Papua. Growth that occurs annually makes Sentani airport gets busier. Analysis of the rigid pavement apron of Sentani airport was done with the aim to determine the thickness of pavement layers at airports. The method used is a method of planning the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration). The first step to consider is the value of CBR (California Bearing Ratio) subgrade, the determination of the value of the modulus of subgrade, selecting the best plan, maximum take-off weight (MTOW) of the aircraft, the load of the aircraft wheels (w2), departure corrected (R2), the load of the aircraft wheels plans (w1) and annual equivalent flight departures plan (R1). This pavement analysis using aircraft Boeing plans 737-900ER. Based on the data obtained from the value of aircraft MTOW plan, the quality of concrete, modulus of subgrade and the value of R1 were plotted on a curve to obtain the FAA pavement thickness. The results of this study showed that the best plan for the 737-900ER required a pavement thickness of 61 cm by 41 cm layer of concrete slab and 20 cm subbase layer.




Hendriyani, I. P., Adjisasmita, S. A., & Aboe, A. F. (2019). Analysis of apron pavement thickness in central airport based on the amount and type of aircraft. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(4S), 78–82.

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