This paper presents Switched-Capacitor based Quadruple Boost 9-Level Inverter topology which possesses several advantages over conventional MLI types, SCMLI topologies. The self-voltage balancing capability of switched capacitors which reduces complexity in control is compared with existing SCMLI topology. The simulation study of the SCQB9LI topology is carried out. Switched capacitors are designed for self-voltage balancing nature. The MLS-PWM strategy is employed for generating gate pulses. The performance of the chosen inverter topology is investigated for different modulation indices and its results are presented. A comparative study with conventional SCMLI topologies proves the effectiveness of SCQB9LI topology.
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M K, M., & K, R. (2020). Switched Capacitor based Quadruple Boost 9 Level Inverter Topology with Multicarrier PWM Technique. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 9(3), 134–139.