The last few decades have demonstrated the benefit of fast, vast and inexpensive robots in production sectors. Robots in the industry can be cooperative or supportive to the workers. Some significant tasks such as, industrial automation, painting, welding, package loading and unloading, cutting and application specific tasks can be performed using industrial robotic arm. The aim of the project is to pick and place the objects in industries using robot arms. Z-Robot is a double arm robot. The robot arms follow the loop in a program to run the servo motors. Arduino program stores the position of each motor. When the pick command is received servo motors fixed with the robot arms start rotating based on the program and picks up the object. When the drop command is received the robot arms drops down the object. The pick and place operations can be done in any direction. End effectors connected with arm setup is used to pick and place the object.
Indra, J., Kiruba Shankar, R., Ilakkiya, N., Indujha, S., & Guhan, S. (2019). Design and development of z-robot for industrial applications. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 9(1), 1983–1989.
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