Studies on reef corals. II. Fine structure of planktonic planula larva of Pocillopora damicornis, with emphasis on the aboral epidermis

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Tissue and cellular organization of the planula larva of the reef-coral Pocillopora damicornis are detailed ultrastructurally. Emphasis is placed on fine structure of the aboral (=presumptive calicoblast) epidermis. The pre-settling exploratory behavior of the coral larva is discussed. The aboral epidermis consists of a tall columnar epithelium, made up of a heterogeneous cell population-nematocytes, secretory and mucus cells, and flagellated cells. Basally, the columnar epithelium is modified into complexly interdigitating cellular processes, appearing as a discrete histological layer. A-type granules (Jha and Mackie, 1967) indicate neurosecretory activity. The flagellated cell contains a peculiarly comlex flagellar apparatus, including a new intracellular structure, an electron-opaque fibrous cup. It extends across the entire width of the flagellated cell apically, enveloping the flagellar basal bodies and paired transverse accessory rootlets. The flagellum main basal rootlet passes freely through an opening in the base of the rootlet cup. The flagellated cell is here viewed as a sensory cell, as suggested by the corona of microvilli encircling the flagellum, the bundles of microvilli, and extensive areas of tight junctions with adjacent cells. There is no evidence in the gastrodermis or epidermis of the planktonic larva for pre-settling accumulation of calcareous skeletal material. Vesicles containing a highly oriented fibrous material may represent sites of skeletal organic-matrix precusor buildup. © 1974 Springer-Verlag.

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Vandermeulen, J. H. (1974). Studies on reef corals. II. Fine structure of planktonic planula larva of Pocillopora damicornis, with emphasis on the aboral epidermis. Marine Biology, 27(3), 239–249.

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