Most enterprises currently regard customer loyalty as the primary tool for increasing their competitiveness (from among non-price methods). To test the theoretical results of the study, a dynamic client base management model was developed for a enterprise in the real sector of the economy, and on the basis of this model, a strategy was found to optimally manage the enterprise's client base over an interval of 12 months, which would maximize the long-term cost of the client base. The control effect found using the gradient descent method, along with optimization of the company's expenses and improvement of the customer base's efficiency, will simultaneously allow you to control not individual clients, but groups of clients of the enterprise in accordance with the model developed in this study, adapted for groups of clients; to take into account differences in the customer behavior of customers and to track changes in the quality characteristics of the customer base. All this allows to increase the competitiveness of the enterprise significantly.
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Markova, T. (2019). Managing the Competitiveness of the Enterprise in the Context of Transformational Change. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 8(2), 4909–4914.