Research on causes of job stress for workers of non-public sector banks

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The most important and critical organizational factor that affects the performance of workers of banking business is Job stress. The role conflict, role ambiguity, role overload, job difficulty, role stagnation and lack of group cohesiveness are significantly and moderately correlated with the level of job stress of workers in non-public sector banks. Hence, the non-public sector banks should provide needed information to their workers to carry out their responsibilities and workers must prioritize their role. The non-public sector banks should clearly define the role of each and every employee and must make interactions among roles of all the workers and the work load of workers should be reduced through additional recruitment of workers or sharing workload among bank workers.




Selvaraju, S., & Sundaram, A. (2019). Research on causes of job stress for workers of non-public sector banks. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 9(1), 3375–3379.

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