In Today’s digital world the younger generation interested to learn and participate in the activities only through the Online mode and most of their time is also been spent on the social networking. This study focuses on identify the student’s perception and their usage of social networking for the professional grooming such as for getting job opportunities, ideas on new courses, skill development trainings offered, connect with field expertise, social news and trending technology updates on daily basis.Due to the above reasons the students use the social networking and also make positive relationships with other students across the state and country for social interactions & Interest of their choice. Through the study we can also identify the most useful social networking sites for the students in terms of their career advancement and professional growth. The social networking also helps in the transfer of knowledge to a huge groups and which helps the students group to learn new things in their field. The social networking also makes the students to unite them for the good social causes. A sample of 158 students from various disciplines were taken for the study and they act as a representative of the student community in the Thiruvallur District. Through the questionnaire method the responses were collected and Statistical tools were applied for the analysis. The tools such as Percentage analysis, Correlation, Regression and one-wayANOVA used for the study. Based on the analysis the suggestions were given for the study.
Purushothaman, S., & Sugashini, R. K. (2019). “An empirical research on student’s usage of social networking towards professional grooming with reference to Ramapuram at Thiruvallur district.” International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(11 Special Issue), 744–746.
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