Satellite imagery is the phenomenon of extracting information from the images takes by satellite which is owned by the government or business throughout the world. In other words, we can say satellite imagery is the spaceborne photography which zooms enough to take photos of the surface of the earth and other planets of the solar system. Most of the time images captured are not in sync which makes it really complex to study. Nowadays satellites are used by the government for patrolling border security and terrorist activities. To clarify such extra zoomed image for human visibility ‘’super-resolution’’ was introduced. Super-resolution is an image processing based resolution enhancement technique which improves the details available in an image. An image with power order of resolution is taken an upscaled to its higher-order using multi-surface fitting and image pixel transformations. Our proposed paper is to process the image in the proper order to enhance the image quality so that we can increase the zooming capability of satellite imagery.
Super Resolution - An image Enhancement and Upscaling Technique for Satellite Imagery. (2019). International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 9(2S3), 450–453.
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