In recent years, technology has been growing rapidly. The impact that Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and associated teaching tools have on the learning process is already significant, and this is expected to grow further in the future. Digital Storytelling (DST) is a combination of interaction and learning at the same time and it could prove to be an excellent teaching method at the disposal of the educator. The present study is an attempt to examine the impact of the method in adult education, providing that the learners are the creators of digital stories. In addition, the current research is an attempt to examine the relationship between learners’ Working Memory and the impact of DST on their learning performance. The research has been conducted in a public vocational training institute. The findings revealed that DST is an effective learning tool in adult education that can improve learners’ performance. In addition, the findings suggest that the method is more effective in learners which have higher working memory rates than others. Article visualizations:
Karanasiou, K., Drosos, C., Tseles, D., Piromalis, D., & Tsotsolas, N. (2021). DIGITAL STORYTELLING AS A TEACHING METHOD IN ADULT EDUCATION - THE CORRELATION BETWEEN ITS EFFECTIVENESS AND WORKING MEMORY. European Journal of Education Studies, 8(12).
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