Electronic Health Record systems continue to be incorporated into health care facilities to reduce the problems and limits of paper-based methodology but their deployment has been slow due to high investment and storage costs. The Enterprise Electronic Cloud-based Health Record System is planned, created and checked for recording, recovering, chronicling and surveying patients and other clinical records. Cloud Data fills in as a coordinates information bank over every single authoritative emergency clinic, middleware gives a typical stage to all electronic health record frameworks between remote medical clinics while a security approval server gives access to approves clients and denies unapproved clients access to records or assets in the system. In this model, complex mixes are redistributed to open cloud servers, leaving nearly the whole intricate of private key generator, sender and beneficiary. In addition, PKG communication costs with users have been optimized. In addition, we are building a comprehensive library called libabe compatible with mobile devices, and the access control mechanism is distributed in a logical environment, including public cloud servers, a laptop and an inexpensive mobile device with interactive resources.
Babu, S. … Mahesh, MB. (2020). A Development of Medical Records Management System to Health Care Decision Makers using Cloud Technologies. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 9(4), 1320–1323. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijeat.d8361.049420
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