With the advancement in every sector at present time, construction sector is also witnessing major advancements. Construction is getting time saving, more eco friendly and reforming our lives in many ways. Green technology is the need of the hour and saving time is also very important. This paper is about constructing wall in such a way so that constructing wall is not only time saving and having good strength but also material efficient. To achieve this purpose instead of constructing wall at once it is divided into small pre-cast units for which hollow concrete blocks and steel bars are used. In this way construction of wall, can be made less time consuming along with better strength. One of the another major benefits is material can be re-used as steel bars will not make permanent bond with the blocks. This study is done to develop a method which can be applied anywhere, specially at those places where quick construction is required as in the case of disasters like floods, soil erosion etc.
Khajuria, A., & Salhotra, S. (2019). Design and Development of Sustainable Wall. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(9), 844–848. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijitee.i7652.078919
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