Every company definitely needs supporting items for its daily activities. Companies need goods to support office activities and other activities such as paper, computers, printers and others so that choosing a vendor that provides the needs of these goods at low prices, fast delivery time is very important. During this time the vendor selection process is done manually so that the decisions made do not provide maximum profit for the company. This research aims to build a DSS model to help companies choose vendors to provide goods / services. AHP method is used to build a DSS model that will produce several alternative vendor choices by considering predetermined criteria. The result of this research is the DSS model for selecting vendors that supply goods and services
Inayatulloh*. (2020). Decision Support System for Choose Provider Partners Goods / Services. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 8(6), 3629–3632. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijrte.f8089.038620
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