This paper aims at examining the effect of cloud computing and big data management on innovation capabilities with particular reference to the context of digital creative industries. For that purpose, both qualitative and quantitative methods were applied in the study. Accordingly, quantitative data were gathered from an empirical survey as well as qualitative data gathered from focus group discussions. The results provide a descriptive data in the implementation of cloud computing and big data management as well as innovation capability and performance in the digital creative industry. Statistical analysis shows that cloud computing, big data management, and innovation capability simultaneously affect the company's performance significantly. However, there was no significant effect, either simultaneously or partially, of cloud computing and big data management on innovation capability. This study provide a benchmark of how the management of information technology can influence the implementation direction of cloud computing and big data management in the digital creative industries’ innovation capability. The findings also provide a new knowledge in a literature on performance improvement in the digital creative industries.
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Heripracoyo, S., Prabowo, H., Kosala, R., & Gaol, F. L. (2019). Innovation capability improvement in digital creative industries. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(2), 1519–1524.