Packaging plays an indispensable role in the sales of a product, whether it is a consumer good or an electronic product. Apart from its predominant purpose of contributing better housing and fortification to its contents, packaging today largely deals with attracting buyers towards the product and communicating the product’s message to the buyer, while trying to stand out next to a number of other competing products which serve the same purpose. The colour of packaging has by far the most paramount role in attracting the consumer. In this study, we analyse visual cues and feelingsof the consumer after they look at a package of a specific colour, which in our case is a soap and also study the impact of price hike on the purchase intent of the buyer.
Damodaran*, D., & Sambandam, Dr. N. (2019). The Impact of the Colour of the Packaging Influencing the Buyer’s Purchase Intent. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 8(4), 8822–8826.
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