This paper aims to present a plan to analyse the communication problem of Escola Oficina (EO), a non-profit organization for social solidarity, located in Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal, when trying to disseminate and sell its hand made products to its target audiences. EO’s main goal is to train, empower and integrate unemployed citizens. This study used qualitative research methodologies, namely an exploratory interview; and literature review focused in the topics of Visual Identity and Branding. As a result of this work, a plan for studying and restructuring EO’s visual communication is defined, which will most likely include, in particular, the renewal of its visual identity.
Vasconcelos, J., Martins, N., Brandão, D., & Penedos-Santiago, E. (2023). Visual Identity of Non-profit Organizations: Escola Oficina, a Case Study Plan. In Springer Series in Design and Innovation (Vol. 27, pp. 675–686). Springer Nature.
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