The study of recombinant conduct of bi-stranded Deoxyribonucleic acid particles with the presence of chose confinement compound and ligase leads to the development of mathematical modelling of splicing system. Therefore, molecular biologists start focusing more on splicing systems. The splicing language that is generated from the splicing system is categorized into inert/adult, transient and limit languages. Recently, the study of the limit language has been extended to the second order limit language. Previous researchers have focused their study on the three categories of splicing language. A normal splicing system with no restriction on the number of cutting site and the properties of the rule result to non-existence of the second request limit language. Within this paper, existence of the second request limit language in a type of splicing framework, namely the Y-G splicing framework is investigated in which there are two cutting sites in the set of rules.
Ahmad, M. A., Sarmin, N. H., Fong, W. H., Yusof, Y., & Adzhar, N. (2019). Second order limit language with two cutting sites. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(4S), 367–372.
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