CUSTOMER Behavior is must to comprehend the preferences of the client in regards to MARUTI item and administrations. • To evaluate how the channels are understood and how they work. • To understand if the customer gets the item and the administration on timetable. • This would prepare for better channeling and improve the scope of CRM exercises The scope of the examination is: the study includes the behavior of the customer. • Finding different variables that make the customer dissatisfied and defeat those by better technique. • Channel the dispersion that will allow the client to interact and arrive. • This study extends its focus on considering separate financial, social, topographical and political elements of the India-Inlet countries exchange.
Reddy, K., Jeyapriya, & Indhumathi. (2019). On the customer behavior of the customers towards Maruti Suzuki. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(2 Special Issue 8), 711–715.
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