In this paper we will demonstrates a flexible and dependable home security system with supplementary security using an Arduino microphone, with the ability to connect via Internet Protocol (IP) through local Wi-Fi for remote access and control by an approved user using the app smartphone. IoTs describe the impression of linking and analyzing real-world events using the Internet. The concept can be implemented in our home to create a smart, safe and automated environment. The proposed service, based on IoT, is intended to create intelligent environments using computer vision and NFC computers, which send an online message to the owner in situation of any damage, if necessary raises alarm. Do not assume the power acquired as a result of this system and such an existing system is that warnings from a Wi-Fi-connected system can be accessed from any phone regardless of its eyes, regardless of whether connect phone and internet. The purpose of this model is to ensure a smart and secure environment using latest technology for our home. A.
Kumar, D., Maurya, R. K., & Dwivedi, K. (2019). Iot based home automation using computer vision. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(12), 5044–5047.
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