Encryption algorithm using 2-dimension key for information security

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Latest development in wireless technology has found many users and wide applications. As the applicants and users are more, Security of data is a main concern. Wireless networks are very common for both organizations and individuals. The transmission of confidential data like e-mails, banking transactions, credit card details etc. on common transmission media is unsecured. To protect the data during transmission is essential for successful operation of system, which mostly rely on this data. In this paper, proposed an enhanced method for data encryption and decryption which guarantees data confidentiality during its transmission over network. User’s data is encrypted before transmission by assigning less number of bits to the plain ASCII text. The key used will consist of all plain ASCII text in random fashion and will be treated as 2-dimension array. In this way, data is transmitting in a secure and efficient manner accomplishing the main goal of Cryptography. 2-dimension array result is compared with Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm. The use of 2-dimension array will provide security and saves effort of the data to be encrypted.




Bonde, S. Y., & Bhadade, U. S. (2019). Encryption algorithm using 2-dimension key for information security. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 8(6), 4874–4877. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijeat.F9129.088619

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