Pedestrian level of service (PLOS) is a measure of the quality of pedestrian facilities provided. Assessing the pedestrian level of service is very important for the improvement of pedestrian environment. This paper describes the results of study on the level of service provided and the importance of various parameters that affect the pedestrian level of service at road intersections. In the analysis, fuzzy set theory is applied and a composite pedestrian level-of-service index (PLOSI) is used to assess the level of service. The assessment at five intersections revealed that two intersections have PLOSI values less than the acceptance level. These two locations are lacking the pedestrian facilities and need to be improved. The method applied in this study may be useful in assessing the level of service at other intersections.
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Kamal, S. (2020). Assessing PLOS at Road Intersections using Fuzzy Set Theory. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 9(1), 2037–2041.