Quantifying the Dynamics of Fluid Flow in a Hydraulic Jump Using Imaging Techniques

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Imaging techniques have gathered attention in the recent past owing to it non-intrusive nature and superior results in quantifying the dynamics of fluid flows. The current study is an attempt to use imaging techniques in determining the velocity values across different regimes of a hydraulic jump. Two techniques, Feature Correlation Velocimetry (FCV, which depends on the advection on naturally formed corrugations on liquid surfaces) and Particle Tracking Velocimetry (PTV, which depends the on tracking of externally seeded tracer particles across successive images), have been employed in this study to quantify the dynamics of fluid flow over a hydraulic jump across its different spatial regions. Results show that both FCV and PTV are successful in quantifying the flow nature in all regimes (involving both laminar and turbulent nature of flow) of a hydraulic jump. In addition, FCV proves to me more efficient in providing the temporal fluctuations of a flow compared to PTV owing to the use of cross correlation algorithms used for the same.




Farhatnuha, A. R., & Siddharth, K. S. (2023). Quantifying the Dynamics of Fluid Flow in a Hydraulic Jump Using Imaging Techniques. In Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering (pp. 157–166). Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-99-2382-3_13

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