Smart helmet is developed to detect the hazardous event in mining industry. The main three hazardous event that considered while developing the smart helmet are Air quality, Temperature, Helmet removal. In this CO, SO2, NO2, are considered as dangerous gas and the concentration level and particulate matter this is considered as first hazardous event, the air quality is checked using air quality sensor. Then the miner removing the helmet from their head is considered as second hazardous event. IR sensor is developed to check whether the miner is wearing helmet or not. The miners cannot work at high temperature so this considered as third hazardous event and temperature is measured using temperature sensor.
Manikandan, S., Arun Francis, G., Mithya, V., Kamal, C., Dhilip Kumar, S., Harriprasath, R., & Sankar, P. (2019). A smart helmet for air quality and hazardous event detection for the mining industry. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(12), 1447–1449.
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