Data sorting has many advantages and applications in software and web development. Search engines use sorting techniques to sort the result before it is presented to theuser.Thewords in adictionary are in sorted order sothat thewords canbe found easily.There aremany sorting algorithms that are used in many domains to perform some operation and obtain the desired output. But there are some sorting algorithms that take large time in sorting the data. This huge time can be vulnerable to the operation. Every sorting algorithm has the different sorting technique to sort the given data, Stooge sort is a sorting algorithm which sorts the data recursively. Stooge sort takes comparatively more time as compared to many other sorting algorithms. Stooge sort works recursively to sort the data element but the Optimized Stooge sort does not use recursive process. In this paper, we propose Optimized Stooge sort to reduce the time complexity of the Stooge sort. The running time of Optimized Stooge sort is very much reduced as compared to the Stooge sort algorithm. The existing research focuses on reducing the running time of Stooge sort. Our results show that the Optimized Stooge sort is faster than the Stooge sort algorithm.
Kishor, A., & Singh, P. P. (2019). Design and analysis of optimized stooge sort algorithm. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(12), 1669–1673.
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