The COVID-19 pandemic has asserted major baseline facts from disaster anthropology during the last three decades. Resilience could be based on the solution to the question: "What is the maximum amount of destruction, if any, that the graph (a network) can sustain while ensuring that at least one of each technology type remains and that the remaining induced subgraph is properly colored?" The concept of a graph's Chromatic Core Subgraph is a solution to the stated problem. In this paper, the pandemic graphs and certain sequential graphs are developed. For these graphs, the Chromatic core subgraph is obtained. The results of the pandemic graphs' Chromatic core subgraph are used to develop a disaster recovery strategy for the COVID-19 pandemic.
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M, J. S., & Mary, Dr. U. (2021). Strategy on Disaster Recovery Management based on Graph Theory Concepts. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 10(4), 31–34.