After the introduction of new economic policy in India, Banking sector has liberated itself from the traditional brick and mortar system and now it is incorporating changes for providing customer oriented service. Here easiness of conducting transactions is at the highest level for the customers but it overburdens the responsibilities and complexity of work, of bank employees. The work environment at the current day characterises deadlines at work, uncertainty of future, high competition and low social support, which has paved way for stressful condition for the employees. A sample of 75 bank employees were taken for the study from Kannur. Stress resulting from work environment are analysed in the study. The symptoms of stress could be rooted in psychological, physical or behavioural concepts. Though stress is a universal component in today's organisations, its symptoms and impact varies from person to person and this reflects on the outcome. The study aims at analysing the impact of demographic factors in instigating stress from the work environment. For the purpose, descriptive statistics, correlation, cross tabulation and Anova were used.
Prabhakaran, A. K., & Rajandran, K. V. R. (2019). Work environment and stress of bank employees. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(2 Special Issue 4), 716–718.
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