Congestion management is the technical challenge in a Deregulated environment. powerregion leads to overloading of transmission sector due to high demand of customers. Tosatisfy the demand of power, generation companies produce more power, however transmission line sector are the conventional ones, and they get congested and transmit more power than its capacity. This caused the congestion on transmission sector. FACTS can be capable to mitigate the effect of congestion in heavily loaded lines. This paper examines the outcome of UPFC will changes reactance of transmission and thus controls power flow over that line, leads to decreasing congestion. The efficiency of these FACTS devices are established on modified IEEE14 Bussystems ‘and thePSO techniques use to discover the optimal location of the UPFC
Rajesh*, R., & Elango, K. (2019). Optimization Techniques for Congestion Management using Facts Devices. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 9(2), 2280–2285.
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