Recent decreases in psychophysiological recording method cost have enabled researchers to more easily supplement questionnaire and performance based indices of cognitive constructs like workload and situation awareness. The current paper describes the results of an experiment to compare single- and dual-view task interfaces for simulated unmanned vehicle navigation and object manipulation. Testing ten ROTC students in a within-condition experiment, researchers found that task completion time and eye gaze data revealed general learning trends and preferences for the dual-view condition. The results align with prior documentations of dual-view advantages and provide useful estimates of simulator learning speed.
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Bliss, J. P., Chancey, E. T., Proaps, A. B., & Crane, P. (2016). A holistic evaluation of task view format for training a simulated robot-assisted EOD task. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) (Vol. 9740, pp. 107–115). Springer Verlag.