Smart Software Assessment of Effects of Rock Properties on Blast-Induced Ground Vibrations

  • et al.
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The drilling and blasting method considered most economical method in civil and urban construction process. Ground vibrations are one of the major problem in blasting activity. Velocity of blast induced ground vibrations influenced by mainly three parameters such as properties of the rock mass properties, the explosive characteristics and the blast design and execution. In those parameters, rock mass properties of blasting area are unchangeable, so study of influence of rock properties very essential to minimize the effect of vibration on nearby structure. This study investigated the effect of rock strength parameters on vibration velocity. In this study, the blasting vibration monitored at a blasting site with different rock masses. This paper, presented a review on prediction models and rock properties influence on peak particle velocity. This paper also presented the relation between peak particle velocities different mines with their respective rock properties. This paper critical analysis on previous studies. This paper presented correlation between rock strength properties like compressive strength and tensile strength on vibration velocity.

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Pradeep, G., Ramulu, M., … Murthy, V. M. S. R. (2020). Smart Software Assessment of Effects of Rock Properties on Blast-Induced Ground Vibrations. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 9(2), 393–397.

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Professor / Associate Prof. 1


Lecturer / Post doc 1


Readers' Discipline


Engineering 3


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