According to the present technology commonly used manually operated devices or machines to cut the grass. In this project we introduce the smart grass cutting machine. The machine consisting of rotating blades operated by the DC motor, trolley to store the grass, hurdle removal and the system is operated by the electrical energy provided by the battery, and the solar panel is used to charge the battery. The main aim of the smart grass cutting device is to provide the operation of grass cutting at the desired area input by the user. This machine is designed to cut the grass at the desired height. Grass cutting employing a rotary blade which is rotated along the vertical axis are known as rotary mover. The requirement of electricity is increasing day by day at an alarming rate due to use of electrical gadgets and the growing amount of industries and the machines. Solar energy is a best alternative source of the energy.
Jena, S. P., Acharya, S. K., & Behera, S. K. (2019). Structure of a smart grass cutter based on solar power. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(11 Special Issue), 918–920.
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