In times when security is the topmost priority of every community, the provision of adequate and functional streetlights is deemed necessary as one of the measures to protect life and property. In this study, the researchers designed and constructed a prototype device Automatic Streetlight Controller with anti-theft alarm using a Light-dependent resistor (LDR) and Photodiode – Infrared LED tandem. This study was conducted to assess the qualitative description, functionality, and level of acceptability regarding the constructed Automatic Streetlight Controller with Anti-theft device in terms of its performance as to device and simulator/trainer, the convenience of use, safety, assembly of parts, and cost. A mixed research design was used that includes both qualitative and quantitative research design. The qualitative description of the device was presented in narrative form and assessed using a focused-group discussion. Quantitative research design is done using quasi-experimental in testing the functionality, trials were made to assess its functionality and descriptive survey method was used to assess the level of acceptability. Probability sampling was also used thru the lottery method to get the two (2) selected groups of respondents: the 3rd year BSIT- Electricity block B students and community barangay officials of Calunasan, Calape, Bohol. T-test was used to test its significance using the 0.05α. Results have shown that on testing the device has 100% good performance and is rated as it functions well. The acceptability level was rated “very high” which means highly acceptable by both respondents. Therefore, the device can be used if implanted in existing street lights or newly built ones to improve the condition of our street lights to properly illuminate the streets for an improved security system.
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Rabia, M. D. S. (2022). Automatic Street Lighting Controller with Anti-Theft Alarm. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 10(5), 87–91.